The Chinese population has been facing enormous difficulties with drinking water for weeks.In response to the cries of this population, Regideso has come out of its silence.According to the company’s communications director, Emile Losambe, Regideso has committed to improving water supply in the capital by building two large water treatment plants, which will be inaugurated on 31 December 2021.

REGIDESO asks its customers to pay their bills regularly. It calls on the Congolese state to pay its debt of more than 300 billion Congolese francs (151,828,386.92 USD).

« So that we can continue to have water, we distribute the little water for all. We have 550,000 m3 out of a demand of 1 million. That’s why we want to secure the production of the Ndjili plant, which is the biggest, giving more than 60% of the water in the Kinshasa network. Currently there is no water in Kinshasa because this factory has problems.

Four pumps pose a problem to its catchment. Now we are doing everything we can to clean the catchment to prevent the new pumps that are going to be installed from being ruined by dirt, » explained Emile Losambe.

REGIDESO has not, however, specified the date for the resumption of regular water supply in Kinshasa.

Hugues Mpaka Mutwefa Breloc

By 24news



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