The town of Kikwit in the province of Kwilu will be supplied with electricity in the near future. A first since its creation.

This town has received a large consignment of poles that will be used to transport electric current from the Kakobola hydraulic dam in the Gungu territory to Kikwit, Idiofa and Gungu, informs the General Construction Company (SGC).

According to the source, these poles have just been added to other materials already on site, including electric cables, iron bars, cement bags and power distribution cabins, which arrived in Kikwit in December 2020.

These materials are stored in a private concession located on the outskirts of the town while waiting to be moved to the various construction sites, according to the same source.

On the other hand, the construction of the administrative office and the central electricity distribution cabin are already underway in Kikwit in the Ndangu district, in the municipality of Lukemi.

Hugues Mpaka Mutwefa Breloc

By 24news



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